Pastor & Entrepreneur Conference 2025
The Conference for Pastors to Connect to Entrepreneurs and Unleash them to be Fully Alive in their Business, Church, and Cities.
Entrepreneurs are all around you.
In today’s side hustle and gig economy, as many as 20% of church attendees consider themselves entrepreneurially minded, according to a study conducted by Barna and Faith Driven Entrepreneur. More than likely, pastors have 10, 20, or 30+ entrepreneurs in their congregation at this very moment. And yet, less than 1 percent of entrepreneurs are being discipled in their work. Millions of Christ-following business leaders and founders feel alone, misunderstood, and disheartened. Many have mortgaged their future to pursue God’s call for them to create. They’ve staked their very livelihood on their big idea. but this pressure causes many to sleepwalk on their journey of faith.
What if the Church was a go-to for entrepreneurs to find support and affirmation?
Fewer people are coming inside the church for answers, but it doesn’t mean they’ve stopped searching. They’re still building community, but they’re connecting in the workplace. According to a recent Gallup Poll, small businesses are trusted 9x more than politicians and 2x more than churches. Every day, the people around us where we live and work are looking to entrepreneurs for leadership. How entrepreneurs build and invest shapes culture. They can be sources of brokenness or instruments of redemption. Research from Faith Driven partners worldwide shows entrepreneurs who come alive in their faith and work tend to become more committed and generous partners in the work the church is doing. How beautiful a vision of entrepreneurs partnering with the church to spread the gospel!
Register for this 2-hour conference on February 20, hosted by Faith Driven Entrepreneur, to be inspired and equipped with practical tools to become an outpost for business leaders in your community.

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