Awakening Christians to how their faith brings daily purpose.
We equip Christians to steward their vocations for the good of Chattanooga and the glory of God’s kingdom. Through fellowships, courses, events, and resources, we help leaders connect their faith with their work for the flourishing of our city.
Our Programs
“I have met superb people who love the Lord and love their city and want to glorify him with their whole life. They inspire me. It has reminded me that the church in Chattanooga is bigger and more beautiful than just my local church or my online community/tribe.”
Lunch + Learn: Gaining Daily Wisdom
Join us for lunch as we look at what part we play in laying hold of the wisdom God offers us in Christ.
Pastor & Entrepreneur Conference 2025
Register for this 2-hour conference on February 20 to be inspired and equipped with practical tools to become an outpost for business leaders in your community.
Citizen & Consumer: The Language of Belonging
As Americans, we are referred to as consumers more often than we are citizens. What does such a shift say about us as a society? Matt Busby offers 3 small steps we can take to begin living more as citizens and stewards of the city we call home.
Serving the City Across Vocations: An Interview with Chris Sands
Chris Sands, Executive Director of Community Safety and Gun Violence Prevention for the City of Chattanooga, shares how his passion for seeing our community thrive persists across vocations, from full-time pastor to full-time government work.
Reshaping My View of Work: A Reflection on God’s Faithfulness in Job Transition
Mel Pipkin shares an honest reflection on what she learned during a recent career transition and how God worked through curiosity, community, and change.
Shaped by a Kingdom Climate
What might it mean for us in 2024 to situate our stories into the climate of the Kingdom of God? In this post, Ralston suggests three ways we might align ourselves with the Kingdom Climate thought attention to the ordinary, mercy toward the margins, and a confident end to the story in Christ.